Strength Training and Resistance Training get mixed up quite a lot. Let us clear it up.

Strength Training is a focused method aimed at building raw power and muscular strength. It involves lifting heavy weights with fewer repetitions.  Strength Training exercises are more about building strength and utilising time under tension, which means lower reps at a higher weight. In essence, it’s the pursuit of raw power.

On the other hand, Resistance Training is a versatile approach that encompasses various methods to create resistance against gravity. This resistance can be your own body weight, using resistance bands, free weights, or any other equipment that challenges your muscles. 

The primary distinction between Strength Training and Resistance Training lies in their goals and techniques. Strength Training focuses on power and muscle mass, achieved through low reps and high weights, while Resistance Training emphasises versatility and endurance. While strength can be built with a resistance training program, these forms of exercise aren’t quite synonymous.

So, which style should you opt for? The reality is that choosing between strength and resistance training hinges on your fitness goals and personal preferences. Factors like age, experience level, and health conditions should also be taken into account.

The beauty of fitness is its adaptability. You don’t have to choose just one training style. By incorporating elements of both strength and resistance training into your workout routine, you can achieve a well-rounded fitness regimen, gaining from both strength and resistance training benefits. 

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Machaela Dwyer

Owner at HUSTLE STREET Training Hawthorn